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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


30 JUNE 2020

Membership Survey

The Marketing Advisory Committee have been working under the guidance of Liveryman Sir Robert Worcester (founder of MORI which was sold to the French research company Ipsos to become Ipsos MORI) on a survey of the membership. 

This survey will be undertaken on a rolling basis so as constantly to have a relatively recent snapshot of the thoughts of our Members.  The first random sample of members has been sent an email with a link to complete the survey.  If you have received the link you are urged to take the 20 minutes or so it will take to complete the survey as your views will help the Company work towards the best membership experience for all Stationers.  The deadline is 10 July.

If you have not received the email with the link, do not worry! Your chance will come within the next year.