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The Stationers' Company
The City of London Livery Company for the Communications and Content Industries


24 FEBRUARY 2023

Prospective Members' Evening  - Monday 20 February 2023

On 20 February 2023 members brought their prospective member guests to Stationers' Hall for an evening when they could discover for themselves the benefits and pleasures of mebmership of the Stationers' Comany.

The evening followed a well-practised routine  with the Master addressing the gathering followed by Court Assistant

Bettine Pellant who, as a former chair of the Membership Development Committee was standing in for the current chair, Court Assistant Oliver Gadsby, who was unable to join the event. Finally, Freeman Bivas Ambasada gave a wonderful account of what he had done as a Freeman, including his recent talk about film-making  to students at SCWA.  He finished by looking forward to getting involved with so much more in the future.  This was very inspiring for prospective members to hear.

The formalities over everyone enjoyed networking over canapés and wine and we are looking forward to several applications for membership resulting from the evening.